Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

Speech about global warming and local wisdom

Praise is to Allah, the lord of the world, and the sequel is for those who keep their duty unto him. Further, there will be no hostility except against wrongdoers.
Blessing and salutation upon the most honorable prophet and messenger, his families, all his disciples, and those who follow them in goodness till the any of judgment.

Standing in front of you all, I’m Irfan from SD Islam Al Azhar 35 would like to present my speech under the title of GLOBALIZING LOCAL WISDOM FOR A BETTER LIFE.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Do you realize that lately, the world is in debate on the so called global warming, extreme earth changes and all the hot topics related to the environmental problems?
Global warming has been a worldwide issue. People from all over the world have seen so many theories about what’s happening to our earth. From term of global warming proposed by Wally Broecker  to the “Inconvenient truth” proposed by Al Gore .
Indeed, No scientific body standing disagrees with the view of the extreme climate change happening to our earth. And therefore, now, the awareness of beingenvironmentally friendly is blown all over the world.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Do you realize that so far we often see how international organization or individual has been in the efforts of maintaining the environmental problem? And people in our country, some of us, step by step positively follow this good step.
Steps like producing eco-plastic bag or waste recycling action are surely positive.
Has it ever crossed your mind that our ancient has taught us, even long time ago how to maintain our nature? If only we are willing to see inside what we have, we’re never too late in taking action of caring our nature.
Take a look at what Papua people believe about keeping nature. They say tearoneweaklako, which means nature is me. What does it mean?
Nature is me, me is nature. So if I treat myself well, I’ll behave the same to my nature. And vice versa.If every day we shower our body, we feed our body, we protect our body of being harmed and even keeping the growth of our body, that’s what we’re supposed to do to our nature.
Can you imagine if we can internalize and pally that?
Now let’s go to West Kalimantan  to see how Undau Mau tribed believes in “Bera” which is the selection of technology they use in farming system, to make user that the technology they use will not be a boomerang for them.

Now, I’m sure that all of us agree that preserving nature not only preserving plants but also other creatures like animals. Asn you know what, people in Sulawesi has a unique tradition in their way of taking the enau , you know enou? It’s sugar palm. They said: Ajamuwababa huna nareko depa na'oto adake, aja' to muwababa huna nareko matarata'ni manuke, which means, “ Don’t take the sugar palm from the tree too early morning nor too late evening”
Because they know that there are some animals use the enau tree as their living place. If the people go to the tree too early, it will disturb the sleeping animals, and if it’s too late in evening, they will disturb the animals which return home after searching for food.
What can we learn from all of those local views?
It’s clear ladies and gentlemen, that our country has been so rich with the paradigm of preserving nature. From the  idea of treating the nature as treating our own selves until keeping the way of ecosystem works and technology selection. We shall not deny those ideas, right?
I believe ladies and gentlemen,
That the local wisdoms, like what I’ve mentioned, isin line with today’s global thinking, specifically in natural conservation. We have got the idea., we have got a real example of our people who has been doing it. What we haven’t done is to bring it in wider and more technical way.
So ladies and gentlemen,
Value is only value without application. I believe that many of our local wisdoms  are fit to solve the natural problems if we seriously implement them. Then what are we waiting for?
Let’s make the value done and see how they will work!
Let us leave here with a sharpened focus on globalizing our local wisdom for achieving true a better life for all human being.
Make it better place for you and for me….
Thank you,


Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

Cara Menguasai Bahasa Inggris Dengan Mudah
Mungkin Anda banyak mencari tentang cara cepat belajar bahasa Inggris dan bagaimana bisa berbicara, menulis, dan hafal semua aturan tata bahasa dalam bahasa Inggris. Belajar bahasa Inggris banyak membuat siswa frustrasi, karena mereka tidak mengetahui bagaimana metode yang tepat. Sebagai hasilnya, pembelajaran yang mereka lakukan tentu saja sia-sia dan tidak membuahkan hasil dengan signifikan.

Dalam cara cepat belajar bahasa Inggris, sejatinya hanya ada tiga langkah mudah yang bisa Anda terapkan dan membuahkan hasil yang baik. Langkah-langkahnya akan kami jelaskan secara singkat berikut ini.
Fokus pada Input dan bukan hanya output

Kebanyakan siswa dan guru bahasa Inggris memberikan pemahaman bahwa kunci penguasaan bahasa terletak pada menulis dan berbicara. Memang, itu tidak salah karena banyak orang yang langsung praktik berbicara dengan berani, ia akan terbiasa dan kemudian mendapatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dengan baik.

Tetapi untuk lebih cepat, seseorang juga harus mengasah kemampuan mendengar. Kemampuan mendengarkan merupakan salah satu kunci meraih keberhasilan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Untuk itu Anda harus menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam untuk mendengarkan lagu bahasa Inggris, teks bahasa Inggris, dan tentu saja film berbahasa Inggris.

Dengan mendengarkan beragam kata dalam bahasa Inggris dalam waktu yang lama, maka kemampuan mendengarkan bisa meningkat pesat. Anehnya, Anda juga akan meningkatkan kemampuan dengan pesat dalam konteks berbicara. Situasi tersebut telah terbukti dan kemudian, Anda harus menjadi orang berikutnya yang membuktikan hal ini.

Grammar itu penting namun jangan terlalu dibebankan

Grammar adalah hal yang penting bagi Anda sebagai pelajar. Mengapa demikian? Karena status bahasa Inggris di Indonesia adalah bahasa Asing, bukan bahasa asli, atau bahasa kedua. Jadi, grammar adalah sebuah hal yang wajib untuk dipelajari.

Kendati demikian, jangan anggap grammar sebagai beban yang mengharuskan Anda untuk menyesuaikannya sesempurna mungkin. Dalam hal menulis, tentu saja grammar penting, namun dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris, kita bisa sedikit memberikan toleransi dengan kesalahan-kesalahan grammatical atau tata bahasa. Namun, maksud dari perkataan yang kita ucapkan harus tetap jelas. 

Grammar itu penting namun jangan sampai mengalahkan keberanian kita untuk mengekspresikan bahasa Inggris.

Ulangi dan kemudian lakukan secara perlahan

Kunci dalam cara cepat belajar bahasa Inggris adalah dengan melambat dan terus mengulang. Di sekolah, siswa membaca teks terlalu cepat kemudian guru memberikan materi dengan sikap seakan terkejar oleh waktu. Akibatnya pemahaman seringkali tidak maksimal. Siswa hanya akan mendapatkan memori jangka pendek dan guru sulit untuk berhasil dalam mengajar.

Sebuah penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengulangan yang dilakukan secara terus menerus dan dalam tempo yang lebih lambat akan menghasilkan prestasi belajar yang lebih baik. Siswa harus mendapatkan materi dengan pengulangan hingga belasan kali. Dengan pengulangan tersebut, maka terbentuklah memori jangka panjang. Kemudian, siswa mampu mempelajari bahasa Inggris dengan lebih baik, dan tentu saja efektif. 

Itulah 3 langkah utama dalam cara cepat belajar bahasa Inggris. Selamat mencoba dan semoga Anda berhasil. 


Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Example of research abstracts

Here are some very successful sample abstracts from a range of different disciplines written by advanced undergraduate students. 
Notice that while all of them are strong, interesting, and convincing, each one was written at a different point in the project’s process.  Some (like Benjamin Herman’s history abstract and Diana Dewi and Jennifer Kittleson’s apparel and textile design abstract) include nearly final results, while others (like Laura Silberman’s curriculum & instruction abstract) include preliminary and projected results.
Notice also that even both across and within disciplines, abstracts differ in the amount of emphasis they give to objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.  Depending on your particular project and your discipline, you will need to decide which of these aspects you will emphasize the most.

Humanities Abstracts

“Margaret C. Anderson’s Little Review”

Sophia Estante and Lorrie Moore (Mentor), English

This research looks at the work of Margaret C. Anderson, the editor of the Little Review.  The review published first works by Sherwood Anderson, James Joyce, Wyndham Lewis, and Ezra Pound.  This research draws upon mostly primary sources including memoirs, published letters, and a complete collection of the Little Review. Most prior research on Anderson focuses on her connection to the famous writers and personalities that she published and associated with.  This focus undermines her role as the dominant creative force behind one of the most influential little magazines published in the 20th Century. This case example shows how little magazine publishing is arguably a literary art.

"The Commemoration and Memorialization of the American Revolution”

Benjamin Herman and Jean Lee (Mentor), History

This project involves discovering how the American Revolution was remembered during the nineteenth century.  The goal is to show that the American Revolution was memorialized by the actions of the United States government during the 1800s. This has been done by examining events such as the Supreme Court cases of John Marshall and the Nullification Crisis. Upon examination of these events, it becomes clear that John Marshall and John Calhoun (creator of the Doctrine of Nullification) attempted to use the American Revolution to bolster their claims by citing speeches from Founding Fathers. Through showing that the American Revolution lives on in memory, this research highlights the importance of the revolution in shaping the actions of the United States government.

Social Science Abstracts

“Subtype of Autism: Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia”

Amanda Babin and Morton Gernbascher (Mentor), Psychology

The purpose of this research is to identify a subtype of autism called Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia (DVD).  DVD is a motor-speech problem, disabling oral-motor movements needed for speaking. The first phase of the project involves a screening interview where we identify DVD and Non-DVD kids.  We also use home videos to validate answers on the screening interview.  The final phase involves home visits where we use several assessments to confirm the child’s diagnosis and examine the connection between manual and oral motor challenges. By identifying DVD as a subtype of Autism, we will eliminate the assumption that all Autistics have the same characteristics. This will allow for more individual consideration of Autistic people and may direct future research on the genetic factors in autism. 

“The Tony Hawk Learning Project”

Lauren Silberman and Elisabeth (Betty) Hayes (Mentor), Curriculum & Instruction

The study is to show how even a “sport” video game can incorporate many types of learning, to call attention to what might be overlooked as significant forms of learning, and to understand and take advantage of the opportunities video games afford as more deliberate learning environments. The aspects explored are the skills and techniques required to be successful in the game, the environment that skaters skate in, the personal vs. group identity that is shown through the general appearance of the skater, and the values and icons that the game teaches players. We are finding that sport video games support learning; we hope to find how one learns about oneself as a learner from playing.

Hard Science Abstracts

“Biogeography of Chemical Defense in Birch Trees”

Sarah Brown and Michael Stevens (Mentor), Botany

The Latitudinal Defense Hypothesis predicts that levels of defense are highest near the equator and decrease toward the poles.  This hypothesis is based mainly on insect herbivory that occurs during the summer.  Mammilian herbivory in the winter is a more likely driver of plant defense levels in northern latitudes.  Early successional trees such as birches are favored by fire and provide an important food source for mammals like snowshoe hares.  In order to test the Latitudinal Defense Hypothesis, we collected birch seeds from eight locations in northwestern Canada and grew seedlings in a common garden.  We assessed levels of defense by counting resin glands because resin glands are negatively correlated with snowshoe hare preference. This research will provide valuable information regarding the biogeography of defense and address the role of fire in plant-mammal interactions on a continental scale.

“Understanding Cell-Mediated Immune Responses Against Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV)"

Sean Spenser and John Loffredo, David Watkins (Mentors), Primate Research Center

Each day 14,000 people become infected with HIV/AIDS, making the development of an effective vaccine one of the world’s top public health priorities.  David Watkins’ laboratory is attempting to develop HIV vaccines that elicit cellular immune responses utilizing the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) – infected rhesus macaque animal model.  A major component of the cell-mediated immune response are cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL).  It is thought that CTL play an important role in controlling HIV and SIV.  Most standard immunological assays do not measure antiviral activity directly, limiting our understanding of CTL effectiveness. To address this, the Watkins laboratory developed a novel neutralization assay that quantifies the ability of virus-specific CTL populations to control viral growth. Evaluating the antiviral activity of CTL of different specificities will identify those CTL most effective against SIV.  This information will likely impact the design of future HIV vaccines. 

“The Genetics of Bone Strength in Mice”

Jonathan Vu and Robert Blank (Mentor), Endocrinology

The purpose of this study is to identify relationships between the physical and genetic characteristics of bones in mice.  The physical characteristics include size, density, and the force required to break the bone, while the genetic ones are the genes of the marker loci associated with the genes that affect these qualities. This study uses strains of mice with reduced genetic variation.  The two strains of mice that are the most phenotypically extreme, meaning those with the strongest and weakest bones, are crossed.  The F2 generation from that cross is then analyzed. The results of this analysis can be used to find which genotypes correlate with specific bone properties like size, density, and failure load.  The anticipated outcome of this lab is the identification of the genotypes that affect bone strength in mice. The findings may be useful in treating medical conditions that are related to bone strength. 

Service Project Abstracts

“Southeast Asian Political Action Committee: Democracy at Work!”

Lauren Breshahan and Marlys Macken (Mentor), Linguistics

Upon receiving the Wisconsin Idea Undergraduate Fellowship the summer and fall 2003 semesters were spent designing and implementing a Hmong Political Council, Inc. (HPC).  The fellowship addressed the immediate need felt by our local government and the Hmong refugee community to develop a political voice expressing the economic, political, and social needs of the Hmong refugee community. It was implemented through the collaboration of the United Refugee Services of Wisconsin, Professor Macken, the Hmong community, and myself.  Extensive research was conducted at the local, state, and national level involving the studying of IRS requirements, lobbying rights, other political councils, and the needs of the Wisconsin Hmong community. HPC is now a legal non-profit organization that has held two fundraisers, released press statements, and worked with State and National political figures to address the needs of the Hmong community. Within the year HPC plans to be lobbying at the state level. 

“Fostering H.O.P.E.: Helping Overcome Poverty through Education for Teen Moms”

Angela Cunningham and Sherrill Sellers (Mentor), Social Work

This program was designed to address the prevalent issues of teen parenthood and poverty.  The idea was to introduce and reinforce the importance of obtaining a post secondary education to teen mothers in their junior or senior year of high school. The program ran for eight weeks during the summer of 2003.  Participants met once a week to participate in group building activities, get insights to what it will take to finish school, and receive information on services that are available to help them along the way.  The young women also had the opportunity to tour the UW and MATC campuses. The participants walked away from the program with a sense of hope that they are able to pursue their dreams despite their difficult situations.

Visual and Performing Arts Abstracts

“Blind Construction: Mixed Media”

Diana Dewi, Jennifer Kittleson, and Wendy Hagedorn (Mentor), Apparel and Textile Design

The basis of this project was to create a garment using mixed media in order to mimic the human body. The materials we used to create this piece include: buckram, copper wire, spray paint, fabric paint, a variety of novelty fabrics, and chains.  The techniques we created in order to manipulate the piece include: fabric branding and burning, grid painting, sewing, draping, molding buckram, and coiling.  Our overall approach was to create a theatrical wearable art piece. Upon completion of the assignment we found the piece aesthetically pleasing because of the way it molds to the human body, but can be a piece all on its own.

source: http://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/presentations_abstracts_examples.html

Senin, 26 Januari 2015

Contoh review jurnal (Sampel)

Oleh Muhammad Fitriyanto
Learning problems in transnational business education and training: the case of the MBA in Thailand
International Journal of Training and Development
Volume & Halaman
13:4 ISSN 1360-3736
Nattavud Pimpa


I.       Latar Belakang
II.    Tujuan Penelitian
III. Metode Penelitian
IV. Pengumpulan Data
V.    Analisis Data
VI. Hasil Penelitian
VII.   Review/Komentar

I.     Latar belakang: Tentang pendidikan bisnis transnasional dan pelaksanaannya di Thailand
Pendidikan transnasional adalah layanan pendidikan skala global atau tingkat lintas batas yang melibatkan lembaga pendidikan atau mahasiswa dan akademisi lebih dari satu negara. Layanan pendidikan ini melibatkan mobilitas lintas batas mahasiswa, akademisi, program studi dan/atau lembaga. Ada berbagai cara melakukan pendidikan lintas bangsa, termasuk melalui pendidikan jarak jauh (dengan atau tanpa dukungan lokal), program ganda, program artikulasi, kampus cabang dan franchise (McBurnie dan Pollock,1998). Pendidikan transnasional menarik bagi mahasiswa yang ingin mendapatkan kualifikasi gelar atau pendidikan asing tanpa harus berpindah dari negara asalnya. Jenis pendidikan ini juga menarik bagi pengusaha dan pemerintah dalam mencari alternatif pengembangan sumber daya manusia.
Internasionalisasi pendidikan tinggi di Thailand diperkenalkan sebagai strategi untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan keterampilan global lulusan termasuk meningkatkan kompetensi bahasa Inggris agar mereka bisa dipekerjakan di pasar kerja internasional. Tujuan pemerintah Thailand dari tahun 1998 mengenai kebijakan internasionalisasi saat ini dalam sistem pendidikan tinggi Thailand adalah menumbuhkan tenaga kerja terampil secara global dengan langsung mendorong pembentukan program akademik Bahasa Inggris dalam bisnis, teknik dan ilmu pengetahuan

II. Tujuan Penelitian
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk fokus pada bagaimana pemberian pelajaran terkait dengan elemen-elemen kunci gaya belajar mahasiswa Thailand, untuk mengidentifikasi hambatan belajar efektif, memeriksa  bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap proses belajar dan untuk mempertimbangkan implikasi untuk skema pengelolaan MBA oleh lembaga pendidikan tinggi Barat (HEI) di Thailand.

III.    Metode Penelitian
Pendekatan phenomenografik dipilih untuk studi ini berdasarkan dasar potensinya untuk mengungkapkan variasi dalam pengalaman dan harapan program MBA transnasional para mahasiswa di Thailand.

VI.    Hasil Penelitian

Hasil penelitian ini, yang dilakukan dengan metodologi Fenomenatografi menemukan beberapa permasalahan terkait pendidikan dan pelatihan bisnis transnasional di Thailand dengan mengkategorikan masalah tersebut dalam kelompok sebagai berikut: (1) Gaya belajar dan budaya (2) Bahasa dan pembelajaran (3) Belajar dan transfer pengetahuan lintas budaya (4) Belajar dan materi pembelajaran
Program Master of Business Administration (MBA) transnasional telah menjadi salah satu program pelatihan bisnis resmi paling populer diantara praktisi bisnis Thailand. Meskipun jumlah sekolah bisnis transnasional dan Program MBA meningkat cepat, program ini menghadapi berbagai tantangan baik dari faktor lokal maupun global.

I.       Review/Komentar
              Penelitian sangat deskriptif dengan menjelaskan latar belakang dan penyertaan penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya yang terkait. Meskipun kurang rinci dalam hal metodologi penelitian, namun secara umum pembahasan latar belakang masalah dan hasil penelitian sangat dapat dimengerti bahkan jika dibaca oleh orang awam. Hasil penelitian jurnal ini dikelompokkan ke dalam cakupan-cakupan yang lebih kecil sehingga memudahkan pembaca memahami hasil penelitian.

Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

How to master Indonesian/Bahasa Indonesia

Living as an expatriate in a foreign country is surely not easy. There are new things to face, some of which could prove to be stumbling blocks, such as bureaucracy, cultural differences, local habits and, in particular, communicating.
Although some Indonesian workers understand and speak basic English, it would be better to learn and understand Bahasa Indonesia, especially when you deal with locals in your work on a daily basis.
Start with basic phrases, such as “selamat pagi” (good morning), “terima kasih” (thank you), “maaf” (sorry) and “tolong” (please help), and how to ask for directions and about prices, etc.
Here are some ways to master the Indonesian language.

Bahasa Indonesia is considered an easy language to learn, and you can always learn it by yourself. You can buy a dictionary or do-it-yourself books at major bookstores in Jakarta, such as Gramedia or Kinokuniya. If going to a bookstore is too time-consuming or costly, you could learn by accessing websites like www.learningindonesian.com or www.101languages.net/indonesian.

Take a course
Enrolling in a class is effective, since a course teaches not only how to speak Indonesian but also about Indonesian culture, which will give you more confidence when chatting with Indonesians.
AIM for English is one place that offers classes for expatriates. The institution is located at Jl. Padang 5C, Manggarai, South Jakarta, phone (021) 8385238, email info@aimjakarta.com
There is also the Jakarta Communication Club at Jl. Cipaku II 27, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, phone: (021) 7203966, (021) 72791829 or visit jccindonesia.com for more info.

Broaden your horizons
Join social clubs that you’re interested in or meet up with local friends after work to expand your network and practice your Indonesian.
Read local publications or watch local TV programs in order to keep abreast of recent local issues, which will also help you learn and practice more.

source: http://www.jakartapostjobs.com/article/how-to-master-bahasa-indonesia-2/

Minggu, 18 Januari 2015

Daftar Harga

  • Abstrak : Rp 25.000 per abstrak
  • Tulisan selain abstrak: Rp 10.000 per halaman jadi. (Ukuran A4, TNR 12 spasi 1,5)
  • Pembuatan slide presentasi: Begantung tingkat kerumitan
  • Semua harga bisa nego jika jumlah banyak.

Judul yang pernah dikerjakan

Berikut adalah beberapa judul tulisan yang pernah dikerjakan oleh Omah Translate:    

Dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia:

1. NFPA 12: Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extenguishing System (Standar Sistem Pemadaman Kebakaran Menggunakan Karbon Dioksida). 

2. NFPA 14 : Standard for the installation of standpipe and hose system (Standar Pemasangan Pipa Tegak dan Sistem Selang). 
3. National Fire Alarm and Signaling code (Panduan Pensinyalan dan Alarm Kebakaran Nasional).
4. Accessibility and usability of online library databases (Akesisbilitas dan Kegunaan Database Perpustakaan Online).
5. The Net Generation goes to university? (Generasi Net Menuju Universitas?)
6. Learning problems in transnational business education and training: the case of the MBA in Thailand (Mempelajari masalah dalam pendidikan dan pelatihan bisnis transnasional (lintas negara: Kasus MBA di Thailand)
7Effect of Recruitment and Selection of Employees on The Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kisumu Municipality, Kenya (Pengaruh Perekrutan dan Seleksi Karyawan Terhadap Kinerja Usaha Kecil dan Menengah di Kotamadya Kisumu, Kenya)
8. Emerging threats: financial crime in the virtual world (Ancaman yang muncul: kejahatan keuangan di dunia maya)
9. Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants 
10. Can we teach digital natives digital literacy
11. Multi-country analysis of the effects of diarrhoea on childhood stunting
12. Dan masih banyak lagi

Dari Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris:

1.  Register dalam Komunitas Phreaker di Situs Http://www.trikgratis.com. ( Register used by Phreaker Community in  Http://www.trikgratis.com)

2. Perancangan sistem informasi simpan pinjam berbasis web pada koperasi simpan pinajm KOPDIT SAE Purwokerto.(The design of web- based saving and loan Information system on KOPDIT SAE saving and loan cooperative, Purwokerto)
3.   Masyarakat asli suku Anak Dalam (Orang Rimba) (The indigenous people of Anak Dalam (Orang Rimba)
4. Langkah dan proses menciptakan pemimpin bisnis (Stages and processes in Creating Business Leader)
5. Dan masih banyak lagi

Layanan Surabaya Translate

Penerjemah berpengalaman menterjemahkan tugas-tugas kuliah mulai skripsi, jurnal dan slide presentasi serta dokumen lain seperti buku panduan dan artikel untuk website. Terjemahan bisa dari Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris atau sebaliknya dengan harga sama dihitung per halaman jadi. Ketentuan halaman jadi adalah Ukuran kertas A4, font Times New Roman spasi 1,5. Bahasa terjemahan bukan bahasa mesin karena dikerjakan dengan hati :).  Melayani seluruh Indonesia!